Gangalal Subedi |
Chief Administrative Officer |
9856074111 |
Administration |
walingmun@gmail.com |
Khyam Narayan Kafle |
Deputy Secretary, Education Section |
9841472594 |
Education, Youth and Sports |
khyamkafle2074@gmail.com |
Bhuwani Tiwari |
Information Officer |
9846363093 |
Internal Audit Section |
bhuwani.pkr29@gmail.com |
Durga Kumari Neupane |
Officer Level Seventh |
9846462429 |
Education, Youth and Sports |
neupanedurga969@gmail.com |
Gita Pathak |
Officer Level Seventh |
9861102514 |
Education, Youth and Sports |
gitapathak528@gmail.com |
Kamal Prasad Pandey |
Public Health Officer |
9856027932 |
Health |
pkamal2034@gmail.com, health@walingmun.gov.np |
Dr. Roshan Bashyal |
Officer Level Seventh |
9860248348 |
Veterinary |
roshanbashyal77@gmail.com |
Suvash Chandra Aryal |
Officer Level Seventh |
9846546300 |
Agriculture |
asuvash@gmail.com |
Mani Prasad Tiwari |
Engineer (Seventh Level) |
9856039437 |
Technical |
manitiwari20@gmail.com |
Bhanubhakta Acharya |
Assistant Computer Operator |
9846553076 |
Ward Office |
ward14.walingmun@gmail.com |
Mani Prasad Regmi |
Administrative Officer |
9846076224 |
Disaster, Environment and Sanitation |
maniregmi1115@gmail.com |
Sangita Parajuli |
Community Health Officer |
9860333448 |
Health |
communityhealthprogramteamwali@gmail.com |
Monika Koirala |
TB Free Cordinator |
9846758522 |
Health |
monikakoirala57@gmail.com |
Narayan Prasad Regmi |
Officer Level Sixth |
9846097435 |
Administration |
regminarayan282@gmail.com |
Dhal Bahadur KC |
Officer Level Sixth |
9846136487 |
Planning |
kcdb079@gmail.com |